A Cosmic 2 X 4 is an attention-getting mechanism from Spirit, God, or the heavens above that ensures I "get the message." Picture a 2 X 4 banging me over the head until the message sinks in.
This often comes in the form of a word or a phrase coming at me (just showing up) repeatedly, sometimes for days, until I finally "get it." I'll open a magazine--there's that word. I'll get a phone call and someone will have a question about that word or topic. An "accidental" click of the mouse, an over-heard conversation, a TV comercial, a piece of paper falling off my desk face-up and there it is...again!!
All of these not-so-subtle hints usually means that I need to do something with this word. In this case, talk about it... The word? NERVE PAIN.
Twelve years ago, when I decided that I was unwilling to be subject to permanent prescriptions for this syndrome, I chose to use a natural approach and began researching supplements, herbals and trial and erroring multiple treatments like acupuncture, chiropractic, and much more. After the first month of research I began taking Magnesium, Malic Acid, Omega 3 EPA-DHA and a multi-vitamin. And I read that antioxidants were helpful too. The anti-oxidant I chose was Alpha Lipoic Acid because it is generally considered a super-antioxidant. It actually cleans up Vitamins C and E, then puts them back to work. Being a fat soluble AND water soluble antioxidant, it can do it's job anywhere and everywhere in the body, unlike other territory-specific antioxidants.
This combination of supplements, along with the other alternative therapies I was doing (and some things I was NOT doing any more) proved to be quite beneficial for my particular brand of Fibromyalgia symptoms, especially the pain.
But it wasn't until I began doing even more in depth research for my book, Managing Fibromyalgia - Getting to know Your Aggravators that I discovered how I had "accidentally" (if you believe in accidents) stumbled onto the one supplement that had helped my NERVE PAIN ten years earlier. I had assumed that my sizzling, tingling and burning skin, numb and tingling fingers and toes, and electric shock-like zaps of pain shooting up my legs and down my arms had been helped by just the right the combination of everything I had chosen to use, and do.
But in my research, I found out that this antioxidant, Alpha Lipoic Acid, had been used for 30 years in Germany, Switzerland and most of Europe for Diabetic Neuropathy...NERVE PAIN. It's not only used for diabetics, though. In fact, there are more than one hundred different types of periferal nerve pain according to the National Institute of Health (NIH), and Alpha Lipoic Acid is used for many of them in Europe, and by many Naturopathic, Holistic and knowledgeable Physicians here in the states.
An interesting note by Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum in his book Pain Free 1-2-3, tells that Benedryl, the antihistamine, also helps nerve pain for some people, although they don't really know why. He says Capsaicin also helps some people because it helps neutralize Substance P.
For more information about Alpha Lipoic Acid:
check out Univ.of Maryland Medical Center at
Or check out the article on About.com, http://altmedicine.about.com/od/alphalipoicacid/a/alphalipoicacid.htm
Or check out the Mayo Clinic
NOTE: before taking any supplements please ask your doctor if they may be right for you. Please tell your doctor all the supplements you may be taking in order to avoid any unwanted interactions.
Keep smiling everyone! It's Important! *:)
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