"Fibro Notes" are born from our local Fibromyalgia Support Group, which meets the second tuesday of each month.
September of last year (2009) I invited A wonderful couple to come speak at our Fibromyalgia Support Group, and demonstrate their Kangen Water Filter. Not only did they inform us of the acididty of our local water and numerous bottled waters, they also stressed the importance of the antioxidant nature of alkaline water. We had all brought small water bottles to take home samples, but they had brought 20 or so clean, empty milk jugs to give us even more free samples! This alkaline water was much appreciated by all who took it home-- which was everyone, of course!
Chronic illness and diseases of all kinds, Fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, arthritis, even cancer included, tend to run amok in a body that is acidic. In fact, Acidity breeds illness. And it makes it much harder for ANY kind of treatment of bring the body back to "normal."
The correct balance of acid to alkaline in the diet is 25% acidic foods (and drinks) to 75% alakline. The problem lies in our Western diet where these percentages are dramatically askew! With powerful acidics such as soft drinks, hydrogenated foods, trans fats, sugar, artificial sweeteners, and the everyday "normal" stuff like coffee, white bread, meats and refined-everything, it's nearly impossible to keep up that alkaline percentage!
Alkaline water helps raise the body's alkalinity, as do most fruits and vegetables (maybe that's one reason we're always told to "eat our fruits and veggies"). Onions and garlic, parsley and olive oil are all alkaline, as are green tea and herbal tea. A slice of lemon or lime added to your regular drinking water or tea will also help. Even though these and other citrus fruits like oranges are acidic to start with, once they enter the body they are converted to bicarbonates - Alklines. There is a new 0 calorie sugar substitute called Just Like Sugar, which has a pH of 8 that will help add to your alkalinity.
A few websites that tell more about the importance of acid-alakine balance are: http://www.acidalkalinediet.com/Alkaline-Foods-Chart.htm,
Keep smiling everyone! It's important! *:)
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